Deploying Databend on Your Laptop in Minutes
June 9, 2022 · 2 min read

A quick Databend deployment guide

Deploying Databend on Your Laptop in Minutes
Deploying a data warehouse sounds like a big job to you? Definitely NOT. Databend can be deployed to your laptop and uses the local file system as storage. You can complete the deployment in a few minutes even if you're new to Databend. Now let's get started!
Databend requires a scalable storage (for example, object storage) to work. This blog uses local file system to provide you a hands-on experience. Never use a local file system as storage for production purposes.
STEP 1. Downloading Databend
a. Create a folder named databend
in the directory /usr/local
. Then create the following subfolders in the folder databend
- bin
- data
- etc
- logs
b. Download and extract the latest Databend package for your platform from
c. Move the extracted files databend-meta
and databend-query
to the folder /usr/local/databend/bin
STEP 2. Deploying a Standalone databend-meta
a. Create a file named databend-meta.toml
in the folder /usr/local/databend/etc
with the following content:
dir = "metadata/_logs"
admin_api_address = ""
grpc_api_address = ""
id = 1
single = true
raft_dir = "metadata/datas"
b. Open a terminal window and navigate to the folder /usr/local/databend/bin
c. Run the following command to start databend-meta:
./databend-meta -c ../etc/databend-meta.toml > meta.log 2>&1 &
d. Run the following command to check if databend-meta was started successfully:
curl -I
STEP 3. Deploying a Standalone databend-query
a. Create a file named databend-query.toml
in the folder /usr/local/databend/etc
with the following content:
level = "INFO"
dir = "benddata/_logs"
# For admin RESET API.
admin_api_address = ""
# Metrics.
metric_api_address = ""
# Cluster flight RPC.
flight_api_address = ""
# Query MySQL Handler.
mysql_handler_host = ""
mysql_handler_port = 3307
# Query HTTP Handler.
http_handler_host = ""
http_handler_port = 8081
tenant_id = "tenant1"
cluster_id = "cluster1"
address = ""
username = "root"
password = "root"
# s3
type = "fs"
data_path = "benddata/datas"
b. Open a terminal window and navigate to the folder /usr/local/databend/bin
c. Run the following command to start databend-meta:
./databend-query -c ../etc/databend-query.toml > query.log 2>&1 &
d. Run the following command to check if databend-meta was started successfully:
curl -I
There you go! You have successfully deployed Databend on your computer. If you have a SQL client on your computer, try the steps below to verify the deployment:
a. Create a connection to from your SQL client. In the connection, set the port to 3307
, and set the username to root
b. Run the following commands to check if the query is successful:
CREATE TABLE t1(a int);
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